Food Decorations
LOVE is my main ingredient!

 Papaya or Melon Decorations
Melon or Papaya Grapes

Use melon "grapes" as an original garnish for desserts or for a chesse platter. It can also be served as separate dessert.

1. Ripe melon can be used to make variety bunches of grapes. Cut the melon in half and scoop out the seeds. Using a small ball cutter, scoop out balls. Arrange them in shape of a grape bunch on a serving plate. Add mint leaves to the top. You can give a different shapes to the "grapes".
2. In the same way you can make bunches of grapes from papaya or watermelon.

Papaya Roses

These bright papaya flowers will enhance any dessert ! You can also use them as a separate dessert!

1. Select a small papaya without defects. Wash, peel, and cut in half lengthwise. Remove the seeds. Lay the cut side down and with a sharp knife cut the papaya into thin slices. See photo.
2. Take one small slice and roll it up. This will be the central part of the flower. Place this bud skin side down. Place the remaining slices skin down, overlapping around the central bud. See photo.
3. Using a spatula or knife with a wide blade, lift and lay the "flower" on a plate.
4. Arrange these bright roses with springs of mint.