Food Decorations
LOVE is my main ingredient!

 Carrot Food Decorations
 Carrot Curly Strips

With carrot curly strips you can beautifully decorate salads, carrot baked pudding, vegetable and meat dishes.

1. Peel carrot and cut off the tips. Using vegetable peeler, cut strips as shown.

2. Roll the carrot strips and put them in a mould for ice cubes or in a pill box organizer. Fill rolled strips with water and place in refrigerator for several hours or overnight. Then thaw, drain and dry the strips.

 Carrot Bunches
Carrot bunches make a simple yet elegant garnish. Serve them hot with hot vegetable dishes or cold with salads or other snacks.

1. Cut washed and cleaned carrots into equal pieces (about the length of a finger).
2. Cut these pieces into lengthwise slices.
3. Put 3-4 slices on top of each other and cut into straws.
4. The color will be brighter, if you sink the straws into boiling water for 30 sec.
5. Pour boiling water over green onions to make them softer. Drain and rinse with cold water, cut into thin strips.
6. Take a bunch of carrots straws and tie into a bundle with a strip of green onion.
7. By proceeding in the same way, other vegetables can be similiarly presented.

 Carrot Cactuses
You can use this food decoration as a garnish for salads, meat and vegetable dishes, and carrot pudding.

1. Peel a carrot. Cut it in half if it is too long. Put the carrot in a pot of boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water.

2. Using a grooved tool, cut longitudinal grooves into the entire length of the carrot.

3. Sharpen one end like a pencil.

4. Take a small sharp knife and holding the sharp end of carrot up, thinly cut a spiral layer of pulp. See photo.

5. After 3 turns. cut the layer off and start a new spiral.

6. Expand the spirals so that they look like 3 flowers. Put the spirals in water before serving, so they do not dry up.
Individual flowers can be arranged in different ways.

Carrot Butterflies
Use carrot butterflies to decorate salads, carrot pudding and meat dishes.

1. Using a knife or grooving tool, make grooves along the lenth of a washed carrot. See photo.

2. Make a thin cut near the end of the carrot, but not completely through, with a very sharp knife.

3. Make a second cut through the carrot. See photo.

4. You should get a thin double slice of carrot as shown in the photo.

5. To make a "moustaches" for your carrot decoration, lay the butterfly as shown and cut a thin strip of carrot not to the end. Make another cut beside (closer to the body) to the end. Make a small triangular cut on the both wings of a "butterfly" to make your decoration more interesting.

6. Thus, you have a carrot butterfly!
Similarly, you can make a butterfly from other vegetables. Use your own imagination!