Food Decorations
LOVE is my main ingredient!

 Cucumber Food Decorations
With cucumber curls you can decorate salads, meat and fish dishes.
Cucumber Curls

1. Select fresh cucumbers with small amounts of seeds. Cut them in half lengthwise. Then cut the tips of cucumbers at an angle.

2. Using the same angle, cut (not completely!) 7 or 9 very thin slices.

3. Bend every second slice inside, leaving the in-between slice straight.

4. Also, if you previously cut grooves on the cucumber, you will get similar, but more interesting curls. (When cutting the grooves, use a sharp paring knife or grooving tool.)

5. Add contrast, by using, for example, strips of red pepper, carrot or tomato.
Cucumber Boats
Cucumber boats are a very well suited garnish for decorating hot and cold seafood dishes and independent cold appetizers.

1. Select small, young cucumbers. Trim off the ends and cut cucumbers into small pieces, apprpximately 1.5-2 in. Cut each piece in half lenthwise.
2. Make a thin slice parallel to the central longitudional piece to within about a quarter of the length of the piece. (see photo).
3. Make a cavity in the cucumber by removing part of the flesh and seeds.
4. Put in the cavity red or black caviar and fold back the slice. This slice will be the boat's sail. Secure the slice (sail) with a decorative coctail stick or toothpick. Instead of caviar, you can use a different appropriate stuffing. For example, shrimp salad, shrimp paste, or tuna salad.
This food decoration will gladen the eyes and taste!
 Cucumber Cactuses
With this garnish ( cactus flowers), you can decorate salads, meat and fish dishes. The same technique is
used as in making cactuses from carrots

1. Using a grooved tool, make grooves along the entire length of the cucumber.
2. Sharpen one end of the cucumber with a knife like a pencil. Using a small sharp knife and holding the sharp end of cucumber up, thinly cut the layer of pulp. Try to retain underneath the cutting layer the sharpened end of the cucumber.
3. Repeat this cutting for as many flowers as you need.
4. To make this food decoration more attractive, arrange cactuses with orange or lemon strips.