Food Decorations
LOVE is my main ingredient!

Fruit Decoration - Apple Swan
An apple swan makes a very beautiful food decoration! This wonderful garnish is suitable for any dessert and can also be used as a separate apple dish. Follow the steps below and learn how to make apple decorations.

1. To make this garnish, choose a well rounded, blemish-free apple. Cut one third or one fourth from the side of the apple to provide a stable base. This cut part of apple will be used to make the head and neck.

2. Place the apple cut side down with the stem facing you. Cut off two sections as shown. These sections will be used to form the wings.

3. To create the wings, start with the largest wedge cut. See photo.

4. Continue to cut progressively smaller apple wedges.

5. Place the wedges together evenly giving a fanned out appearance. Repeat this procedure for both wings.

6. Carve the head and neck. Cloves or apple seeds may be used to make eyes.

7. Attach the head and neck with a toothpick. Arrange your food decoration with decorative elements and mint leaves.
This is beautiful apple decoration!

Apple Fruits Decorations
Fruit Decoration - Apple Bird of Paradise
Made from apple, the "bird of paradise" makes a beautiful food decoration for your table. You can also use it as a garnish for any dessert. Learn how to make decoration from an apple.

1. Cut a sliсe from an apple just near the stem. Divide the sliсe into thirds.
The top slice with the most peel will be used for the head and neck; the middle slice for the tail; and the bottom slice for the base.

2. Form the neck and head as shown. Carve out the beak and eye from the peel. Also, you can use the skin of an other contrasting colored fruit.

3. From the middle slice of apple, carve out the tail piece. Make V-wedge cuts as shown to form the "feathers".

4. To make the body of this garnish, cut the remaining piece of apple as shown. See photo.
The central part should be about one fourth of the apple.

5. Mount the central part on the base with a toothpick.

6. The wings are formed by cutting the two remaining side pieces into equal slices. Overlap each slice as shown, exposing part of the flesh of each slice.

7. Attach the head and tail to the body with toothpicks. To enhance this garnish, use contrasting colors for the beak and eyes.
Arrange your fruit apple decoration with fruit pieces and mint leaves.

Apple Decoration - Shells
Apple shells are an interesting and simple fruit decoration. Use them as a garnish for desserts or as a separate dessert. Apple decoration - apple shells are elegant and attractive fruit decoration.

1. Cut 1 inch slices from the sides of a fresh apple.
2. Cut each slice to the shape of a shell. See photo.
3. Use a sharp knife to carve V-wedge cuts on the flesh side of the shell. See photos.
Sprinkle apples on the flesh side with lemon juice.So that apple don't get darkened quickly.
4. Connect both parts with toothpicks. See photo. Arrange apple decoration with your favorite fruits.
Apple Decorations - Apple Baskets
These very attractive apple decorations - apple baskets will command the attention of your guests! They are great as a separate dessert and as a beautiful garnish. You can use these apple decorations - baskets for serving fruit salads, sweet jelly and fruits.

How to make apple baskets - use the same methods ( #1 and #2 )
as for making lemon baskets.